Thursday, July 23, 2015

Get Started Today!

The Hudgins Training Program is for runners or athletes of all levels. Whether you are a beginner looking to run your first 5k, a seasoned road veteran, a weekend warrior, a sprinter, a marathoner, or just looking to live a healthier lifestyle, the Hudgins Training Program (HTP) is designed specifically to assist you in meeting your goals. One thing I have learned through my years of competing and coaching, is that we all need guidance to help us reach our goals.  With an Undergraduate Degree in Fitness and Wellness and a Master’s in Exercise Physiology with a concentration in Strength and Conditioning, I am qualified to help you reach any fitness related goals and as well as live a healthier all around lifestyle.  The cornerstones of my plan for you to reaching your goals is living a balanced lifestyle by staying motivated, and learning to roll with the punches of life.

I have had the pleasure of learning first hand from some of the best coaches in the United States.  One thing that they have all taught me the importance of, is having a tailored plan to fit each and every person.  No cookie cutter workouts, or generic plans designed for the masses.  I can guarantee that your plan will be specifically tailored to your goals and needs as an athlete.  This starts with a current fitness assessment and consultation of previous exercise history, injuries, surgeries, personal records and a goal setting session.  I will then design a personalized training program that will make you a well rounded athlete to lead you to your goals!  One of the benefits of being an athlete under the HTP, is my availability to you, to make adjustments in your training as changes in your personal life and schedule happen.  Most training programs are cookie cutter programs with little guidelines on how to make last minute adjustments to your plans as events in your life change the way you may need to train.  My job is to keep you healthy, get you strong, and fast to achieve your best on race day!  Whether you are looking for a running program, a weight lifting program, nutritional advice or a combination of all 3, there is a package for you with HTP!


Full HTP Monthly Coaching- Become a fulltime Hudgins Trained Athlete!  Weekly running & strength training schedule.  With full access to me for additional nutritional advice, goal setting, and race strategy, and any other needs your training and racing may need.  No additional cost for consultations or sessions. - $100 per month

10 Week Race Prep - You name the race, you name the distance, you name the goal.  I'll create the plan!  Up to 10 weeks of training to get you to get you race ready.  - $80

1 hour Nutritional Consultation - $40

1 hour Goal Setting / Consultation Session - $40

1 hour Training Consultation - Some people like to control their training, but we all can use some help from time to time.  Need advice on workouts, weight training, or weekly mileage?  I'm more than happy to lend my knowledge to assist you in your plan. -  $40

Feel free to contact me with questions or to sign up today!  I am available for consulting via email, phone or Skype!

Brandon Hudgins

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Get Started Today!

The Hudgins Training Program is for runners or athletes of all levels. Whether you are a beginner looking to run your first 5k, a seasone...